now i'm perfectly used to dreams of horrible things where i wake up shaking or, better yet, not remembering my dreams at all and being very thankful for it. apparently a mischevious demon followed my friends home from a fighting event and decided it liked me.
it makes people say and do odd things in their sleep..
*trigger walks into the room where i am asleep*
*i follow his movement with my head, eyes shut*
*he lays down on the bed*
me - are you going to stop or keep going?
trigger - what?
no response
trigger - what?
no response
trigger - what are you talking about?
me - mostly about pajamas
i don't remember any of this, i believe i was alseep the whole time. i do not usually talk in my sleep. sometimes i wimper or mutter, but i do not talk.
background - in my dreams, if i remember them, i am often attacked by things. monsters, burglars, take your pick, but never anyone i know. i keep knocking them down and they keep getting back up. this dream, in its many forms, has haunted me for years.
yesterday i took a nap after my final because i was tired and didn't sleep much the night before. i dreamed that beat three people unconcious, one with my bare fists, one by grabbing his hair and smashing his face into the floor, then grabbing his face and shaking him but instead of just grabbing, my fingers went through one side of his cheek and out the other so i had a firm grip in his face, and the last one, who had no grab-able hair, by picking him up and hitting him against a set of bleachers until he stopped struggling.
then a kid i know from fighting came after me. i ran into the next room, and when he came through the door i picked him up and beat him to death against the floor. then another person i recognized from fighting, one who has been getting on my nerves recently, came in and i picked him up and beat him against the floor too. at one point i had hooked my legs through a bar on the ceiling and was throwing him at the floor, then catching him when he bounced. i beat him to death too, but the creepy part is that when i was done, i grabbed him by the back of the head and scraped his face against the rough surface of a decorative column until i was only holding the skin on the back of his head, everything else was scraped away.
that's when i woke up, feeling strangely satisfied.
the legend about this demon goes that eventually, if we don't get rid of it, it will make someone kill in their sleep, the only time it can take over.
freakin' creepy, i'm thinking about taking up insomnia.