Friday, March 23, 2007

the shading

allright folks, here's what i've got so far:

the left shoulder:

the right shoulder:

the center:

the bottom left:

and the bottom right:

Which, placed together int he correct positions give us a lovely overview of

the whole damn thing

it wasn't bad at all, and i love the way it looks


Steph said...

Ohh it looks painful!!
Lovely though.

Trigger said...

so much A&D, on the plus side my hands are getting all smooth from being contantly covered in the stuff.

tshsmom said...

I thought it was impressive before. I was wrong. That's incredible!

hannah said...

thank you all, thank you. i really do love it.
trigger - thank you especially. i don't know if i could get through all of this without you to help me with everything. i love you

wallycrawler said...

That's a great tat !

I love look'n at tats when I'm have'n fun from behind , it's a turn-on !

hannah said...

my fiance said the same thing. he can't wait to see it colored and healed from the back.
"like enjoying fine art during"

Trigger said...

I did say that didn't I