For people that have cats but really don't like them, a new and interesting art form:
cat painting! i kid you not, bring boring old fluffy to an artist and in no time it'll have an exciting and adorable look.
Belly dancer and kitty
Not for the clown-phobic owner
Cat as matching accessory
Another kilt kitty
Trying to be fiercer than a house-pet
My favorite: LEMUR KITTY!!!
This is an actual practice, the paint fades in a few weeks and it has to be re-done. if you can get your hair dyed, i guess you can get furball dyed to match now.
I'd paint my wife's pussy . but it aint got any hair !
Her cat wouldn't like either .
Bad joke sorry . Ya knew some idiot would do a pussy joke didn't ya ?
I have heard it can cost upwards of $30k to do. Not sure if that is true or not but it's nuts. People need to find other hobbies.
I got my first feline (11 yrs) ago and I heard abt a place where I could have his ears pierced. I still sort of wish I had done it.
there was actually a case of a man who tattooed his dog. that's just cruel.
i feel the same way about piercing animals. it just feels wrong.
Christ! If it wasn't bad enough people dressing up their cats, now they're painting them!!
Go visit catsthatlooklikehitler.
I prefer cat juggling.
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