Tuesday, April 24, 2007

people that hate their cats

For people that have cats but really don't like them, a new and interesting art form:
cat painting! i kid you not, bring boring old fluffy to an artist and in no time it'll have an exciting and adorable look.

Belly dancer and kitty

Not for the clown-phobic owner

Cat as matching accessory

Another kilt kitty

Trying to be fiercer than a house-pet

My favorite: LEMUR KITTY!!!

This is an actual practice, the paint fades in a few weeks and it has to be re-done. if you can get your hair dyed, i guess you can get furball dyed to match now.


wallycrawler said...

I'd paint my wife's pussy . but it aint got any hair !
Her cat wouldn't like either .

Bad joke sorry . Ya knew some idiot would do a pussy joke didn't ya ?

Chicky Pea said...

I have heard it can cost upwards of $30k to do. Not sure if that is true or not but it's nuts. People need to find other hobbies.

~d said...

I got my first feline (11 yrs) ago and I heard abt a place where I could have his ears pierced. I still sort of wish I had done it.

hannah said...

there was actually a case of a man who tattooed his dog. that's just cruel.
i feel the same way about piercing animals. it just feels wrong.

Steph said...

Christ! If it wasn't bad enough people dressing up their cats, now they're painting them!!


Anonymous said...

Go visit catsthatlooklikehitler.

Anonymous said...

I prefer cat juggling.