Thursday, February 15, 2007

freakin' awesome!!!

Albert Einstein
You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.

Bill Maher:
Suicide is man's way of telling God, "You can't fire me - I quit."

John F. Kennedy
Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.

M. C. Escher:
I don't use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough.

Only the dead have seen the end of the war.


Toby said...

Plato says it best.

hannah said...

yeah... nothing good of my own to post, so i stole other people's works to post on my site to make it better.

Toby said...
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Toby said...

Nothing wrong with that. I've been doing it for about three months now. The situation with my ex and me drained me of all my creativity. It'll come back though, I think I need warmer weather because I'm not a fan of snow and cold and being couped up becomes mind numbing.

Anonymous said...

A culture that simultaneously praises and rewards violent men while complaining about the crime rate and terrorism is awash in stupid people.

Forty Two