Tuesday, February 13, 2007

new direction

so, not knowing what i could poosibly do for a living, i have decided to head in the direction of a field that needs people, even if i have no idea if i want to do it or not.

i find it hard to write without the depression that i had before. but i think this is a good thing. happy but can't write for a damn. oh well, i'll write again if i need to.


Toby said...

Good for you. One benefit of Nursing is it's a profession that will allow you to live anywhere you want in the whole world.

Happy singles awarness day to you, Hannah.

hannah said...

i'm thinking switzerland, you know, free health care and public transportation. but then there just won't be as many government fuck ups to be outraged about or make fun of.
nothing beats the white dominated, monotheistic, gay bashing, intolerant old U S of A

wallycrawler said...

Canada has the same and gay marriage !

wallycrawler said...
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tshsmom said...

After reading your previous post, perhaps you should consider going into psychology. It sounds like you have a knack for the counseling profession!