Tuesday, March 01, 2005


i much appreciate all of the support, and butter is damn good too. i'm happy because i think that ana and i will be friends again, we talked at lunch. i missed her, but i know that me and amanda not being cool hurts her. meh, it'll work or it won't.
excited for thurs/fri/saturday, i get to go to bumpers and dress up and mosh and have fun. angel, call me if you want a ride any day!!! (i may need help remembering where you live, but i will find it!)
things seem better, the distractions helped and now i'm focused enough to try and face at least some of this crazy shtuff. jon is sitting with us again, so maybe that will work out. and stevie and i talked and he's being really cool about the whole me being a bit of a slut thing. i needed it and it worked well.
i miss all of my friends, and i'm going to go back to participating in the world.

*you don't know me, so don't judge me* <- Niko let me listen this morning. (still singing it)

me, nothing more but at least no less.

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