Tuesday, March 06, 2007

hand tattoos suck

i don't have a picture yet, but i should soon.

last night i got a black light tattoo on my hand in the shape of an outline of a rose. black light tattoos only fluoresce in black light, so no one will be able to see it in regular light, hence tattoo on the hand being okay.
fun fact: the first black light tattoo ink came out of california and caused cancer.
the ink used on me is the same kind that my tattoo artist used on both of his hands, does not come from california, and so should not (hopefully) make my hand rot and fall off.

black light tattoos can be done three ways:
1) the artist sets up a black light over the tattoo area and uses that to see the ink. this can be difficult because then the tattoo gun glows and so do the paper towels and the excess ink, and the stencil can be almost impossible to see and so it is distracting and can make things harder, plus it's bad for the eyes.
2) the artist puts the stencil on the skin and then goes over it like he/she would with any other tattoo, hoping that the ink is going in along the lines. (this is not as scary as it sounds considering that the excess ink welling up out of the skin makes it impossible for the artist to see any tattoo they are doing exactly - it's mostly guess work)
3) the artist does a "blood line" first, which is basically doing the tattoo once with something harmless in the gun, like the greensoap they use to clean the tattoo. this makes a wound track which is much easier to see and follow than just the stencil, and cannot wear off like a stencil can.
guess which one we did?
the blood line hurts like hell, and then when it was done we had to do it all over again.

but now i have a lovely rose shaped wound on my hand that glows in black light.


~d said...

Oh Hooray!
How cool is that!?
Do you have a black light?
IF not you need to be GETTING one...

Chicky Pea said...

Okay, seeing that I'm old and probably not very cool I was wondering what the point of getting a black light tattoo is. I have real tattoos and the point was always for them to be seen. I think I need to be enlightened. And I'm not criticizing, just asking.

Toby said...

I've never heard of a black light tattoo. Since you can only see it part of the time is only part of the price?

tshsmom said...

Yeah, you definitely need a black light now.

~d said...

*Hannah, in my recent post in the P.S. section I have three of my tats. I do NOT have the ankle one, too many pics.

~d said...

Hiya beautiful...you linked me! KISSES! I shall do the same to you!
In this pic the ankh was my first-first tat.
There is a daisy that was second, then the fat vine...(yea, it was in a garage) then the skinny vine, then the butterfly.

wallycrawler said...

How much money do you have anyway ? Those tats gotta cost a fortune girl !

OK I haven't asked where's the guy now ?

hannah said...

d - i do in fact have a blacklight, and my fiance has ordered me a blacklight l.e.d. key chain so i can show it off all the time. thank you for the compliments, and your tats are lovely.

chick - the nice thing about a blacklight tattoo as opposed to a regular one is that you can get it anywhere and it won't show normally. i would never get a regularly visible tattoo on my hand, but now i can have one that won't make getting a job difficult.

toby - sadly, no. they cost a little bit more than a regualr tattoo because when you get a tat you pay for the labor, and blacklights are apparently a bitch and a half to do.

mom - if i didn't have a portable one on the way, i would probably hook up a car battery to my big one and carry it in a backpack with me everywhere i went.

wally - actually, the one on my hand was free because the artist owed me a tat. i have saved for a long time for something special, and now i'm spending on this. my first cost 100, the second was 80, and the back is 1500. not bad all told, considering i love them all and i will have them forever. whoever said material possessions are temporary and not important was forgetting about ink.