Monday, February 21, 2005

bumpers love

i went to bumpers on saturday and i met a goy. his name is chris and he's an ex-marine. it's crazy how well we've gotten to know each other in a very short time. but for now i am tired of worrying if someone will break my heart. we relate to each other the same way, and that helps a lot, and if he screws me over, so be it. i'm just going to be happy for right now. so things are looking up, because he has a better imagination than me and we do some pretty interesting stuff together.


hannah said...

i'm worried about jon, and i think you may be too. thank you for the happiness, i'm sincerely glad that you are happy. please accept my appologies for making this so difficult for everyone, i wish it were otherwise.

hannah said...

i'm sorry. i wish i weren't causing this. and he's right when he says don't take sides, but please remember that this is my fault, not yours. and it's pretty much his problem, not ours.