Wednesday, April 26, 2006


the conversation went a little something like this:

- i just quit my job, and i'm thinking about leaving.
- where would you go, and when?
- cali, and now.
- god, i wish i could do that. but i don't have a car, and my father would report his stolen if i left with it.
- i would take you. do you want to go?
- now?
- right now.

i got into the car that night to go home crying because it took everything i had to say no.
my parents are terrified that i'm going to cut and run. hell, i'm terrified that i'm gonna take off at some 3am. so it would appear that I'M OFF TO MISSOURI FOR A WEEK!!! hoorah!
my mother and i are driving south, because it's warmer there, and our tentative destination is scott valley ranch.
i want to pick sharp smelling leaves off of the tree branches from horseback.
i want to see the sunrise over the rock quarry.
i want to flirt with the many attractive wranglers they always have.
and damn it, i want to air-dry my freshly painted toenails out the car window on the highway!!

it's gonna be crazy, folks.

*i have sat on the back of a bus for days and drank red wine with purple lips*
live for the moment, 'cause you'll never have it back

here's to you, momma.

1 comment:

wallycrawler said...

Sweet !

It's like "Thelma and Louise" only without the rape , murder , cop chases , and suicide .

Sweet !

Love long , live long , kid .