Tuesday, November 08, 2005

new life, new stuff, new outlook

very very happy. frightfest was a blast, so many wonderful people and so much fun!!!
new guy, also very happy. he is 22 and happens to have a wife, but still i can't help but feel that this is the happiest i have been in far too long.
so i leave those of you still paying attention with this:
if you want to talk to me, pick my brain, anything, i am still here.
i am here for those that need me and even those that want me.
you should know the fucking number.

please take care of each other, i know that all too few of you take care of yourselves, and we all need someone to hold us, validate us, hug us and make us feel worthwhile.

i love you, all of you.
- me. just me, still me, new me and old me.

*you're wonderful, you know that?
and strong and sweet and kind.
i love the warmth when your arms
wrap around me from behind*

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