Monday, December 31, 2007

second best xmas present ever

the best christmas present i have ever gotten was my engagement ring from trigger. sparkly and shiny, it was perfect

but the second best was this year, and i got a HAMSTER!!! he's gray and white and furry and cuddly and soooo cute.
his name is Damat.
from trigger's parents and brothers i got a house and food and bedding and a hamster ball and chewing blocks for him. and trigger got me a cage, complete with wheel and food dish and water bottle, and of course, Damat himself.
second best christmas present ever.

what did y'all get?


zydeco fish said...

I got a lump of coal.

hannah said...

oh, poor thing..
who did you upset? or do you have the technology to turn it into a diamond? or did you need fossil fuels?

zydeco fish said...

I wish I could turn coal into diamonds. I think Superman could do that. I come from a family that doesn't really do much gift giving, so I get nothing from my immediate family. I have been told it's better to give than receive anyway. I am not sure if that is correct.

tshsmom said...

My daughter is a HUGE hamster/rat/rabbit freak. I've lost count of all the hamsters she's had.
I can't help smiling whenever I see a hamster.

My best gift, this year, was my very own MP3 player. Now I can work outside with my tunes!

Happy New Year Hannah!

hannah said...

fish - that's not cool, everyone should get gifts at the holiday season from their lived ones (is my philosophy). i'm sorry your family isn't all that into gifts. i find both giving and recieving gifts fun, but it's gotta be both.

mom - that's awesome! i hope you enjoy it.
motty has wet tail as of a day and a half ago. i hope she pulls through it.

tshsmom said...

Don't use that wet-tail medicine that you can buy in the pet stores!
We lost several hamsters to wet-tail. My daughter finally took her last hamster to the vet. The vet had some great meds that actually cured the hamster. He said that the off-the-shelf stuff doesn't do squat! :(

Toby said...

Happy New Year Hannah!

hannah said...

mom - i know, we went to the pet store for the drops and they don't even sell them. the girl at the store said cabbage should help, so that's what we're doing now.
and good on you for letting your kids have pets like that, i had hermit crabs and a bird.

toby - happy new year to you too. anything really good happen yet?

wallycrawler said...

I received my faith back.

And ya know what, it was what I wanted!