Wednesday, February 08, 2006

normal life, happy times

feeling terrible.
mononucleosis is a virus, commonly known as the kissing virus. it is usually transmitted by saliva. once you get it, it never leaves your system. your symptoms go away, but it stays in your nervous system, and every once in a while you become contagious. there is no way to tell when short of a blood test.
i got mono about a year and a half ago. now dessi has it, badly. i feel bad because it is hell for him. i worry about him, because he is sick and hurting and on pretnazone, a steroid that makes you hell to be around and makes you crazy and sad and horny and want to cry. he is also cutting down on smoking, which makes the whole situation even harder for him to deal with.
i play nurse when i can get down to chicago, making/getting him food and drink and talking with him and keeping him occupied. but the only thing that will make him better is time.
we will get through this, but until we do he can't drink or fuck or fight or smoke and i know it's hard for him.
i don't mind taking care of him; i love him and i'm glad that i can help.
i just wish he wasn't going through this.

at krink's house, have a surprise for dessi the next time i see him... (hehehe)


wallycrawler said...

It's a perfect time to quit smoking . That's a filthy fuck'n habit ! I quit 10 years ago after a 20 martini night-out . I figured I didn't smoke a full day after wards I might as well quit ! Do him a favour and encourage him to stop before it's to late . Just a thought .

hannah said...

thanks for the thoughts, both of you.
wally - what will happen will happen with the quitting
vings - truthfully i think most guys i have known are babies and would give anything to be taken care of and have someone pity them when they are sick