Thursday, April 07, 2005


well it would appear that i have some time today, so post i shall.
worried. always worried. but i think that my friends will be okay, it seems they always are.
scarred. scarred of my dad and for my loved ones. angel be careful, i don't think you understand how much you mean to me. i love you. afraid for amanda and that she will carry out her threats. if i were in her position, i don't know how strong i would be able to be.
empty at times, but working on feeling better. my friends help.
i love you guys. i probably won't update unless i have a batch of free time, so if you want to talk (if you exist outside of my little screen) feel free to call. i get so lonely sometimes, i think that maybe it's all just the voices in my head talking to me from behind my eyes.
- hannah

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