Wednesday, August 29, 2007

School of Calm Lake

trying to be like a duck, letting everything just flow off my back.

I have worked all three days this past weekend, school monday through friday, and work all three days this weekend. shit.
but after that i have a break on sundays, where i will go to the school's quad and play with my friends in our battle games. yay for vacation.

was on the quad last night, saw a guy spinning fire poi.
(i'll try to post some of the pictures of me spinning mine.)
he had the chains connected together, with both flaming heads on one end. it looked pretty cool, he was wrapping the end around his limbs/body to change direction of swinging. i ran over to talk to him and it turned out he was a total freakin' idjit.
who uses gasoline as a fuel?!?!?! (side note - gasoline is worse for you to breathe in, and burns much hotter, is more explosive, is used by mouthbreathers.)

classes not going badly, in two sciences, both of which are fascinating. i'm boring the crap out of trigger with my rambling about what i learned in class.

glad to be not-home any more. my sister sent me a text message the other day - "is there a reason you have decided that i'm not worth talking to anymore? have i done something to upset you so you have decided to ignore me?"
... she hasn't called me in months, i always call her and if i want to get together, i have to drive to see her and my goddaughter, she never comes over to my house, even while her boyfriend has a car and a job for gas money.
meanwhile, instead of calling me, she just texts me, blaming me for not calling her, and does the usual when a friendship gets awkward, pushes me away.

but right, trying to be like that duck.

Monday, August 20, 2007


okay, short post:

finally back at school with my family and getting some nice peace and quiet. stalker count is up to one, but i don't think he knows where i am. missed first class because of traffic, but this semester looks promising.
very happy to be back.

How are all of you?